The Leading Edge Network of London is a group of business professionals dedicated to generating business leads for each other. Members of the group are selected and accepted on the basis of their unique occupation, business or profession and their interest in working with others to learn more about the power of networking and to bring business leads to the group. The group meets regularly, every other Wednesday morning.

B2B Meetings

Our members are encouraged to visit each other’s businesses to learn more about what each member does. These B2B (business to business) meetings help our members to understand and provide targeted, meaningful business referrals to each other. Our success is measured in the number of great referrals we provide for each other.


We create educational opportunities for our members, each meeting we learn about a business, offer networking tips or useful marketing suggestion. These tips help both new and experienced members grow their networking skills and their respective businesses.


We work hard to foster a positive, friendly and supportive atmosphere where our members can feel comfortable in getting to know each other and collaborate to build lasting and effective business relationships.