The Leading Edge Network of London is a group of business professionals dedicated to generating business leads for each other. Members of the group are selected and accepted on the basis of their unique occupation, business or profession and their interest in working with others to learn more about the power of networking and to bring business leads to the group. The group meets regularly, every other Wednesday morning.
Who We Are
We are a group of business professionals dedicated to supporting each other via referrals, testimonials and motivation.
Leading Edge Network meets every other Wednesday for breakfast at The Highland Country Club.
Our Members
- Work in a unique occupation or industry,
- Conduct themselves in a professional manor,
- Work within London Ontario and surrounding area,
- Wish to build professional relationships with like minded individuals,
- Attend regularly and participate within the group,
- Support each other through recommendations, referrals and testimonials.
How to Join
Are you interested in joining a supportive and fast growing networking group? We are looking for individuals in all industries not represented by our current members.
If you are interested, please reach out to our membership committee and join us for a complimentary breakfast.